Thursday, April 1, 2010

Ford & Microsoft

Microsoft and Ford working on electric car software -

Plugging in your electric car at home you wonder....
just what will this cost me?
To help make sure you're being smart....
about the price....
to charge that electric car of yours....
Ford and Microsoft have teamed up bringing your car's....
entertainment and communications technologies together.
Electric prices verses, gasoline prices.....I wonder.
Will your home handle the burden of an electric car?
Adding one, now, can double a household's....
energy consumption.
Did you say gas prices went up $ 21.00 over night?!?
A barrel of oil is worth more than a ounce of pure gold!?!?
No April fools joke intended....But
our children and grand children will wake up to this reality, or one sort of like this, sooner that we want to....

This merger of Microsoft Holm and the Ford Motor Co.
should help us manage its charging cost once we buy....
that electric car.
Eventually, they hope that Hohm will be the stand alone solution,
for managing your energy.
When you are driving that Hohm_equipped car, of yours.....
you could turn off your thermostat at home while tooling down the road at

Microsoft Hohm is currently in beta.....but go ahead and give it
a look see.... 4 free.

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